Real Estate Stories of the Week

New York City's population reduced by 300,000 since summer 2021 according to recent Census numbers. People moving to other states was the biggest driver of the population loss, as well as contributions from COVID deaths and a drop in international migration (The City).

An architect took childhood memories to heart when renovating his Williamsburg townhouse, creating a low-tech and quirky home for his family (New York Times).

Not surprisingly, NYC co-op and condo owners property tax assessments have rebounded to their pre-pandemic levels (Habitat Magazine).

Nice to meet you, I’m the Property Owner. Real estate language reform continues (we already waived goodbye to the “master” bedroom, making room for the “primary”) and now we confront property ownership. Landlords, begone (Curbed)!

Despite the high profile crimes we have in New York City, you're statistically three times more likely to die of "external" causes in rural America, where two-lane highway crashes, venomous snakes and swimming pool drowning accidents kill a lot of people (Bloomberg).

Craig Yoskowitz