Brooklyn Townhouse Report: First Half 2023


Following two years of a robust townhouse market in Brooklyn, sales during the first six months of 2023 resumed a slower pace. While annual decline statistics were exaggerated by a strong 2022, higher interest rates and the waning of the post-Covid surge in demand for space and privacy began to take its toll. With 2020 excluded, 461 closings in First Half 2023 was the lowest half-year total in at least seven years.

Both the single-family and multi-family markets saw lower sales figures compared to a year ago. However the 97 single-family sales, while also down by double-digits year-over-year, was higher than nine of the last 14 half-year periods. The multi-family sales figure only exceeded the half-year periods of 2020. Buyers active in neighborhoods east of Flatbush Avenue helped to prop up the single-family closing sales figure as Fort Greene, Clinton Hill and Prospect Heights and Bedford-Stuyvesant, Crown Height, ProspectLefferts Gardens and Bushwick had the smallest annual declines in single-family sales.

The double-digit annual decline in sales by price range was across the board, with sales at the lowest-end under $1M contracting the most and sales at the high-end over $4M declining the least. This trend helped to elevate overall average and median price compared to a year ago, albeit minimally. Average price per square foot dipped 3% annually due to the increased share of sales in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Crown Heights and Bushwick.

In First Half 2023, single-family median price fell 10% annually to $2.300M, the lowest figure since 2020. Single-family average price and average per square foot also declined, by -6% and -5%, respectively as limited inventory at lower price points drove value-seeking buyers into neighborhoods further afield. The share of multi-family sales over $2M expanded by 4% versus a year ago, helping to drive median price up by 3%. While the average price also increased, average per square foot slipped minimally since the average size of a multi-family townhouse purchased was the largest in over seven years.

Note that these statistics reflect selected neighborhoods in the northern and northwestern sections of the borough.

















Park Slope Brooklyn Townhouses

Statistics By Neighborhood | Single Family Townhouses

Corcoran Report Data
Corcoran Report Data
Brooklyn Townhouses

Statistics By Neighborhood | Multi-Family Townhouses



Looking for a Top Brooklyn Real Estate Agent?

Craig Yoskowitz is a seasoned agent with Corcoran in Park Slope who knows how to navigate the fiercely competitive New York City real estate market. With extensive knowledge and experience, he skillfully guides buyers and sellers through every twist and turn, offering confidence, warmth, and the fortitude to get deals closed.

Craig Yoskowitz Brookyn real estate agent